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Bitcoin Boos

Bitcoin Boos

Bitcoin Boos is a digital collection of valiant pixel warriors living on the Bitcoin blockchain. This magical digital kingdom has been brought to life through AI, creating a unique blend of pixel art and blockchain technology.

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Bitcoin Boos comprise 101 charming pixel characters known as "Boos" residing on the Bitcoin blockchain. Their home, "The Boo Kingdom," is a magical wonderland filled with vibrant pixel art where each Boo has their own unique personality and story.

The kingdom is led by twin rulers: Bootoshi (in red) and Blootoshi (in blue). While both share leadership duties, Bootoshi holds the distinction of being Quest Boo's creator. The Boo Kingdom is specifically located in block 775087, Bootoshi's birthplace, which manifests as a medieval fantasy RPG world complete with monsters, adventures, quests, dungeons, and various kingdoms.

The Boottalion serves as the kingdom's warrior army, with each Genesis Boo commanding their own squadrants that mirror their power and appearance. These warriors are distinguished by their Octahedron shape and Rayman-inspired detached hands and feet.

Important Note: Despite their name, Boos are not ghosts!

Complete Boo Registry

  1. Boo King
  2. Sleepy Boo
  3. InvisiBoo
  4. Construction Boo
  5. Wizard Boo
  6. Kitsune Boo
  7. Fencer Boo
  8. Boores, Boo of War
  9. Boobee
  10. Mercenary Boo
  11. Toupe Boo
  12. Vampire Boo
  13. Doctor Boo
  14. Officer Boo
  15. Puss In Boos
  16. Golden Boo
  17. TheGrim Boo
  18. Dragon Boo
  19. Queen Boo
  20. Jack In The Boo
  21. CyBoorg
  22. CowBoy Boo
  23. Nerd Boo
  24. Stoned Boo
  25. Alien Boo
  26. Mummy Boo
  27. Boones
  28. Smurf Boo
  29. Boo Of Love
  30. ZomBoo
  31. Hazmat Boo
  32. Statue Of Boo
  33. Goth Boo
  34. Sailor Boo
  35. Prisoner Boo
  36. Angel Boo
  37. Devil Boo
  38. Poseidon Boo
  39. Zeus Boo
  40. Fairy Boo
  41. Aphrodite Boo
  42. Spooky Boo
  43. Chef Boo
  44. Super Boo
  45. Ninja Boo
  46. Dragonian Boo
  47. Winnie The Booh
  48. Booloon
  49. Panda Panda Panda Boo
  50. Raccoon Boo
  51. Pear Boo
  52. Chick Boo
  53. Wicked Boo
  54. Bomb Boo
  55. Fire Boo
  56. Bear Boo
  57. Snow Boo
  58. Santa Boo
  59. Black Cat Boo
  60. Ginger Boo
  61. Mush Boo
  62. Sheperd Boo
  63. Astro Boo
  64. Plant Boo
  65. Jello Boo
  66. Glitched Boo
  67. Stone Boo
  68. Ice Boo
  69. Magma Boo
  70. Neon Boo
  71. Crystal Boo
  72. Booze Boo
  73. Rain Boo
  74. Billionaire Boo
  75. BTC Boo
  76. Baby Boo
  77. Lava Boo
  78. Boo Boo
  79. Killer Boo
  80. BoosClues
  81. Fin Boo
  82. Monkey Boo
  83. NightmareFuel Boo
  84. Elven Boo
  85. Lying Boo
  86. Franken Boo
  87. Booterfly
  88. ShroomCap Boo
  89. Watermelon Boo
  90. Cracked Boo
  91. Gnome Boo
  92. Majin Boo
  93. Chad Boo
  94. Lochness Boo
  95. Mad Boo
  96. Doge Boo
  97. Pepe Boo
  98. Boonana
  99. Punk Boo
  100. Rubber Duck Boo
  101. Diamond Boo